沒想到時間過得這麼快, 當我抵達坐在從倫敦飛往曼谷的機上時, 心中不知道為什麼有種錯綜複雜的情緒在內心裡交割著。
時間總是在不知不覺當中, 在我們不經意的時候, 一點一滴地流逝。
我永遠都記得剛到倫敦的第一個禮拜幹得蠢事-輸錯PIN碼, 害得提款卡被鎖死。
沒想到時間過得這麼快, 當我抵達坐在從倫敦飛往曼谷的機上時, 心中不知道為什麼有種錯綜複雜的情緒在內心裡交割著。
時間總是在不知不覺當中, 在我們不經意的時候, 一點一滴地流逝。
我永遠都記得剛到倫敦的第一個禮拜幹得蠢事-輸錯PIN碼, 害得提款卡被鎖死。
I have been living here since last September. People living in London come from different countries.
The real British make me feel they are extremely individualistic.
Even though we are on the tube in a busy time, they still try to keep the distance as far as possible. Their action express as, 'I will not touch you, so you do the same as me.'
And they usually meet friends at bars or somewhere instead of inviting them to thier house. Privacy is the most important thing for British. And the other reason is that the house people living in London is usually quite small so that the bar is more like the second house for them to meet friends.
Besides, they are used to speaking in an indirect way. This sometimes make the foreigners confused what they mean exactly. They may not use superlatives and may not appear terribly animated when they speak. And they are generally not very openly demonstrative unless you know someone well.
農曆新年, 親愛的老弟從台灣飛來倫敦找我, 還幫我帶了我特愛的"鳳梨酥"三盒!!! <----------許阿爐很擔心我吃完這些整個就變得更"嘟"了!
他來的這段期間我仍處在"病懨懨"狀態, 我已經盡我所能地帶他到處去到處走, 希望他玩得開心囉!
時間過得很快, 沒想到已經到了倒數的日子
最近登入my EF就會看到 you have 5X days left to extend your stay
我們總是笑說EF=Expensive First, 其實它是English First
在這裡你可以遇到來自世界各地不同國家的同學與朋友, 而非只限定在某一區域
Tha last day of 2011, we had lunch with Imke and Aurora at COTE in soho area.
Two girls told me they wanted to have meal with us, so we set it at lunch cuz the New Year's Eve would be very difficult to find a table for dinner.
After lunch, we took them to L'ETO to have dessert! It's a very relaxed afternoon.
They told me they thought my Marido as a typical businessman at first cuz he loved fountain pen.
At first, marido told me he booked a table for us at Chez Bruce.
The next action, I checked on the website where it is in London.
SW17 7EG was its post code, at the south of city. I checked how long could we get there and how to get there from hotel. It cost almost one hour to get there and we needed to take two buses. I wasnot familiar with this area cuz I hadn't ever been there.
At this moment, I'm confused why he booked a so far restaurant over there. I thought it's a liitle bit crazy to take one hour to get there just for the lunch. <shrug>
That day, we left the hotel at 11 am. and went to take the bus number 295 and 319.
This was the first time I saw this. Half-wheels of cheese were roasted beneath hot iron and made it soft and boiled. Then scrape the soft surface to put on the patato and pickle.
<-----WOW, it's so delicious!!! I recommended u must try this if u were in London.
At the first moment, we thought the potatoes were too much for us. But we finished this plate very quickly....maybe we're hungry....jaja...
The taste of cheese with pickle was amazing!!! I love it!!!
26th December was a big day!!!
Everyone in London was very exciting and woke up very early cuz it was the Boxing Day!
For me, there's something special meaning cuz my marido was coming!!!
But there's one big problem on that day, there's no tube service and the express train from Heathraw to Paddington was no working. They provided the coach instead the train but the price of the ticket was too~~~~ expensive! £18 each person from Heathraw to Paddington.
At this moment, He said,' What the f**ken traffic here is.'
一大早起床拿著google印下來的地圖, 在愛丁堡找尋集合的地方。
八點鐘, 街上仍然沒有什麼人在走動, 天空還這麼暗, 對我來說還真不習慣。
花了十幾分鐘找到旅行社後, 就放心去星巴克吃早餐喝咖啡上網, 等待九點鐘的到來。
出發囉!!! 一個人去愛丁堡旅行!!!
第一次一個人搭火車, 不知道是不安還怎樣, 今天早上特別早醒, 鬧鐘還沒響, 六點十幾分就醒過來。
七點半左右我就出門, 八點就到King's Cross Station在Costa喝咖啡、吃早餐。
我盯著顯示燈上九點到Edinburgh的火車, 等著指示燈顯示哪一個站台上車, 左等右盼地忽然間"不見了"!!!
唯有往更深處去探索 才會知道為什麼在原地停留
朋友們總是問我說:「那邊生活過得怎麼樣?! 有沒有想要提早回來?!」
我回:「很好啊~很習慣, 歡迎你來倫敦找我啊!!!」
時間過得很快, 我已經離開台灣一個多月的生活, 來這邊已經換了第二次的室友, 跟來自不同國家的朋友住在一起, 或許有些時候會有點小不愉快, 但都是無傷大雅的事情。
我這個直話直說的死個性, 真的是會讓我朋友們哭笑不得。
你確確實實地在倫敦這個地方生活, 並不是個觀光客只是來這裡待個幾天或幾個星期, 但你心底卻也清楚地明白你並不屬於這裡, 時間到的時候你就會離開.
這是在Westminster station出來就可以看到Big Ben & London Eye。
倫敦的交通基本上算是方便跟迅速的,只是交通費算是昂貴的,一個禮拜(7天)的travel card在zone1~zone2大約要£27左右,並不便宜。