Follow your heart, you will find the way home. 聆聽你內在的聲音,它會帶領你走出屬於你的生命道路。
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不知道是年紀大了 還是麻痺了 又或者我男朋友在紐約沒感覺

反過來看, 我整個很平靜沒有太多的感覺

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  • Feb 11 Sat 2012 09:26
  • 密碼文章 A Ring

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I have been living here since last September. People living in London come from different countries.

The real British make me feel they are extremely individualistic.

Even though we are on the tube in a busy time, they still try to keep the distance as far as possible. Their action express as, 'I will not touch you, so you do the same as me.'

And they usually meet friends at bars or somewhere instead of inviting them to thier house. Privacy is the most important thing for British. And the other reason is that the house people living in London is usually quite small so that the bar is more like the second house for them to meet friends.

Besides, they are used to speaking in an indirect way. This sometimes make the foreigners confused what they mean exactly. They may not use superlatives and may not appear terribly animated when they speak. And they are generally not very openly demonstrative unless you know someone well.

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  • Feb 06 Mon 2012 07:07
  • 密碼文章 Marido

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農曆新年, 親愛的老弟從台灣飛來倫敦找我, 還幫我帶了我特愛的"鳳梨酥"三盒!!!  <----------許阿爐很擔心我吃完這些整個就變得更"嘟"了!


他來的這段期間我仍處在"病懨懨"狀態, 我已經盡我所能地帶他到處去到處走, 希望他玩得開心囉!

He is my brother!!! 

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時間過得很快, 沒想到已經到了倒數的日子

最近登入my EF就會看到 you have 5X days left to extend your stay

我們總是笑說EF=Expensive First, 其實它是English First


在這裡你可以遇到來自世界各地不同國家的同學與朋友, 而非只限定在某一區域

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  • Jan 07 Sat 2012 07:05
  • 靠岸


那道牆始終在那裏 不會消失

看似平靜地海平面 深不知底下是如何地波濤洶湧

掩蓋得了世人的眼睛 卻蒙騙不了自己

總是閃躲著害怕深入探索 深怕挖掘到得是更絕望地深淵

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The last day of 2011, I had lunch with you! 

Tha last day of 2011, we had lunch with Imke and Aurora at COTE in soho area.

Two girls told me they wanted to have meal with us, so we set it at lunch cuz the New Year's Eve would be very difficult to find a table for dinner.

After lunch, we took them to L'ETO to have dessert! It's a very relaxed afternoon.

They told me they thought my Marido as a typical businessman at first cuz he loved  fountain pen.

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At first, marido told me he booked a table for us at Chez Bruce.

The next action, I checked on the website where it is in London.

SW17  7EG was its post code, at the south of city. I checked how long could we get there and how to get there from hotel. It cost almost one hour to get there and we needed to take two buses. I wasnot familiar with this area cuz I hadn't ever been there.

At this moment, I'm confused why he booked a so far restaurant over there. I thought it's a liitle bit crazy to take one hour to get there just for the lunch. <shrug>

That day, we left the hotel at 11 am. and went to take the bus number 295 and 319.

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