

農曆新年, 親愛的老弟從台灣飛來倫敦找我, 還幫我帶了我特愛的"鳳梨酥"三盒!!!  <----------許阿爐很擔心我吃完這些整個就變得更"嘟"了!


他來的這段期間我仍處在"病懨懨"狀態, 我已經盡我所能地帶他到處去到處走, 希望他玩得開心囉!

He is my brother!!! 

How old is he? Guess.............He's 24!!! Most of my friends thought he's much younger than his real age.

這傢伙來到倫敦第三天還第四天我忘了, 跟我說: "我覺得...倫敦很漂亮, 但是也很髒!"

我先是聽到"漂亮"<----心裡冒出問號 "會嗎?"

他又接著說: "建築很老舊, 很漂亮..."

我回說: "如果你有機會到巴黎或是義大利, 你就會覺得倫敦"很現代"..."

他又說: "這裡的地鐵跟空氣整個比台北還要糟糕..."

我說: "哈~如果你每天搭地鐵通勤, 你回到家會發現你的鼻子都是黑的! 還有這邊的水很難喝~"

we're in the London Eye. 

We're in the London Eye. As we didn't want to waste our time, I bought a fast-ticket. It cost £25 each's really very expensive!!! But the view was so fantastic! If you have a chance to come here, you must try it. To be honestly, I think if you come here in the evening, the view would be perfect!!!


每一台大概容納15個人, 中間還設置了坐椅讓你站累了可以休息. 我最喜歡London Eye的是這台導覽機器, 你可以360度去觀賞這個城市, 並可以透過這台導覽機器找到你所想看的知名建築的詳細內容。(讚!)


I showed this picture because there're a lot of people tried to learn the same pose as him after we took this photo.


之後我們就從Big Ben一直順著往後面繞到Westminster Abbey(St. Margaret's Church)

我一時心血來潮跟他說 "我們用走得去Covent Garden吧!" <----結果到晚上我就後悔了....因為整個人...超累!!!

沿途我們就順道去了Horse Guard, Inn the Park, Admiralty Arch, National Gallery


Pay attention to the words on the board, "Beware, horses may kick or bite!"

所以那時候我在跟這批馬照相的時候整個很心驚膽戰, 而且我一照完牠就整個頭轉向我....我心想..."你肚子餓了嗎?!"


Inn the Park<------It's behind of the Horse Guard. The reason I love London is there are a lot of parks in this city!!! It's huge and beautiful. In my country, the park is too small to call a 'park'. It's much like a 'garden' in the city.


Admiralty Arch<-------I love this building for no reason. XD

National Gallery

National Gallery<------There're a lot of people here so we didn't go inside to visit it. I'll find a time to come here again.

今年的奧運會辦在倫敦, 在National Gallery前方就立了一個電子刊版倒數的奧運日還有幾天幾個小時,倫敦處處都在翻修這一切都是為了"奧運會".

倫敦街上很容易看到一些街頭藝人, 在這裡他們是很備受尊重的, 尤其是地鐵站的音樂演奏者, 他們有些人是已經在螢光幕上表演的卻仍熱愛在街上與大家分享他的才能, 尤其是在Covent Garden那一帶的更是小有名氣。在這裡他們的表演很多不是為了錢, 而是為了讓大家認識他們、喜歡他們。我很喜歡在Tottenham Court Road Station演奏的薩克斯風手, 每次到那邊轉站, 儘管人潮再擁擠聽到他的音樂就會有放鬆心情的感覺, 真的很舒服~

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I saw someone tried to draw all the flags of all countries and I fould "Taiwan"!!! I was so happy to see my country's flag. Of course, I put some coins on the flag! It looked like a game that how you like your country is.


We had a dinner at Belgo but my brother still had jet lag problem. :)

He had jet lag problem almost all the vacation here......haha!!


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